Print Shop Registry for Puerto Rico
April 1, 2020

This Print Shop Registry is one of 3 initiatives by the Ad Hoc Committee for Community Exchange SGCI 2020 Puertográfico! Help out print shops in and around San Juan to repair presses, source tools and supplies, and restock their shops so they can keep making their brilliant artworks!
This website compiles our list of new or gently used print shop supplies, tools, and time/expertise requests, but does not sell the items directly. You can use your favorite print shop supplier, bring extra items from your studio, or ask your print program or community to donate supplies. Some supplier options are linked below most items if you need a starting place!
We recommend you support Takach whenever possible, as they have been extremely generous in donating towards our "Let's Leave a Press" campaign for an amazing floor model litho press for the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras and supporting McClain's who generously donated funds and woodcut tools for the campaign, as well! Please read on to see how you can get free shipping on items from these companies to Puerto Rico!!
If you would like to 'claim' a gift, be sure to click on the 'Give this gift' button so the gift will be claimed in your name, and we will know what to expect!
Ideally, these items can travel with you in your luggage (or a friend's!) to the Puertográfico Conference in April, or we can provide a shipping address if necessary.
For the items requesting help/time in the studios repairing equipment, we have a general calendar listing a window of time ranging 1 week before the conference through one week after the conference; however, exact dates/times you are able to help should be emailed to jvelasquez AT fau DOT edu for coordination with local print shops in San Juan.
Anyone who purchases donation supplies from Takach Press for SGCI Puerto Rico can order on their website Enter your own information on the billing info side. Enter the receiving shop name on the shipping line (each item needed names a school or schools).
The ORDER NOTES will need the specific name of the school/organization that you wish the supplies to be donated to. If it is any item listed on here for "multiple shops/spaces" please put "ANY SHOP."
USE PROMO CODE : "PrintShopRegistry" when checking out to receive free shipping of donation to Puerto Rico! These specific orders will be packed with the Takach Litho Press Model 2648 that is being donated and shipped in the crate to Puerto Rico.
Orders will be processed with Credit Card Only. No Purchase Orders Please.
Takach Press will process these orders in separate boxes and attach the packing slip/invoice to each order. This way our customer/donor will receive proper credit for their donation and the donation recipient will know who donated the products to them!!
Any printmaking paper can be purchased thru Takach Paper Company. 877-611-7197.
Mention that the paper is a donation and Takach can ship paper with the press crate as well. Same deal. Same deadline.
The deadline to place these orders at Takach Press is 2-21-20 for free shipping in the crate to Puerto Rico.
General Registry Questions?
Contact Hannah Sanders, hannah.march.sanders AT gmail DOT com
Need more information about repairs needed on equipment?
Contact Joseph Velasquez, jvelasquez AT fau DOT edu
Want to know more about our other initiatives?
Contact bsanders AT sgcinternational DOT org
Or check out the links below:

All sorts and sizes of printmaking papers for etching, relief, lithography, screenprinting, letterpress, and book binding are needed!
If ordering through Takach, please see the notes in the intro to this registry on how to receive free shipping to Puerto Rico!
These can come from any source or be extra paper you have around your shop!

All spaces could make use of all colors, any brand traditional oil-based etching ink.

Rusty presses need some polishing! Donate some putz pomade to give them a shine!

For El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro: Shipping is too expensive on copper but they have etching facilities.
Any size or thickness is great!

For the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras: The University is in a budget freeze. Professor Rivera is well known on the island for his own selflessness and activism in his community. He volunteers time to local students and works with at risk youth. Shipping is too expensive on copper but they have etching facilities.
Any size or thickness is great!

For the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras: The University is in a budget freeze. Professor Rivera is well known on the island for his own selflessness and activism in his community. He volunteers time to local students and works with at risk youth. Shipping is too expensive for linoleum blocks.

For El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro: Shipping is too expensive for linoleum blocks.

For the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras: The University is in a budget freeze. Professor Rivera is well known on the island for his own selflessness and activism in his community. He volunteers time to local students and works with at risk youth. Most of their brayers and rollers are damaged and need replacement.
Any size! Used good condition or New

For Liga Estudiantes de Arte: Their brayers need replacement.
Any size! Used good condition or new!

For El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro: Most of their brayers and rollers are damaged and need replacement.
Any size! Used good condition or New

For El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro: Their brayers need replacement.
Any size! Used good condition or new!

For the Escuela De Artes Plasticas Diseno: The University is in a budget freeze. Professor Rivera is well known on the island for his own selflessness and activism in his community. He volunteers time to local students and works with at risk youth. Most of their brayers and rollers are damaged and need replacement.
Any size! Used good condition or new.

For the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras: The University is in a budget freeze. Professor Rivera is well known on the island for his own selflessness and activism in his community. He volunteers time to local students and works with at risk youth. Most of their brayers and rollers are damaged and need replacement.
Any size! Used good condition or New

For El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro: Most of their brayers and rollers are damaged and need replacement.
Any size! Used good condition or New

Escuela De Artes Plasticas Diseno needs all colors/any kind of oil-based etching and relief printmaking inks.
These could be Gamblin, graphic chemical, Hanco, or other brands. I personally often use Hanco litho inks for relief printmaking! I'm sure modifiers like magnesium carbonate would be useful, as well.
Dick Blick Hanco Ink Modifiers

Liga Estudiantes de Arte needs any kind of nontoxic printing inks any colors such as Caligo Safewash, Water-based relief inks, etc.

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro is in need of any kind of nontoxic printing inks any colors such as Caligo Safewash, Water-based relief inks, etc.

Escuela De Artes Plasticas Diseno needs any kind of nontoxic printing inks any colors such as Caligo Safewash, Water-based relief inks, etc.

Taller Malaquita, an all Women-Run Printshop and Ceramics Studio needs all types of screenprinting supplies including but not limited to scoop coaters, emulsion remover chemicals, squeegees, screens, screenprinting inks, screen hinge clamps, and whatever other favorite silkscreen supplies and tools you love to use!

Liga Estudiantes de Arte needs all types of screenprinting supplies including but not limited to scoop coaters, emulsion remover chemicals, squeegees, screens, screenprinting inks, screen hinge clamps, and whatever other favorite silkscreen supplies and tools you love to use!

Liga Estudiantes de Arte: Needs woodcut tools of all kinds, used or new! Any tool profile is useful.

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro needs all kinds of Book Arts Supplies!
Bone Folders and scorers are one example. See other examples listed on this registry, or use the "Other" option to bring items for book arts not even listed here!

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro needs all kinds of Book Arts Supplies!
Awls are one example. See other examples listed on this registry, or use the "Other" option to bring items for book arts not even listed here!

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro needs all kinds of Book Arts Supplies!
Book Binding Cord one example. See other examples listed on this registry, or use the "Other" option to bring items for book arts not even listed here!
Waxed or Unwaxed book binding cord of any size/color.

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro Needs all kinds of book arts supplies!
I've listed several items out on their own, but if you have other useful binding tools/supplies you can bring, please do so!

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro needs all kinds of Book Arts Supplies!
Bookbinding Glues such as PVA or methyl cellulose are one example. See other examples listed on this registry, or use the "Other" option to bring items for book arts not even listed here!

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro needs all kinds of Book Arts Supplies!
Book Cloth is one example. See other examples listed on this registry, or use the "Other" option to bring items for book arts not even listed here!

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro needs all kinds of Book Arts Supplies!
Book Board is one example. See other examples listed on this registry, or use the "Other" option to bring items for book arts not even listed here!
Can be any kind or size, new or stuff you have around your shop!

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro needs all kinds of Book Arts Supplies!
Paper for bookbinding is one example, with Mohawk Superfine being just one of many types of paper great for bookbinding. See other examples listed on this registry, or use the "Other" option to bring items for book arts not even listed here!
Can be any kind or size paper good for book binding, new or stuff you have around your shop!

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro needs relief or letterpress ink of any type/brand.
I often use litho color and process inks for relief printing, as well, so if you have some of those around and/or ink modifiers good for these processes, please donate!

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro: Needs woodcut tools of all kinds, used or new! Any tool profile is useful.

To go with their new litho press being purchased via fundraising and generous donations from Takach Press, the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras will need some additional supplies for lithography.
All colors/types of litho ink are needed!
Please see the intro to this registry for info on how to order these supplies directly from Takach, if desired, and how Takach can ship them for you along with the new press! You can also donate new and gently-used tools and supplies from other sources including your own supply.

To go with their new litho press being purchased via fundraising and generous donations from Takach Press, the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras will need some additional supplies for lithography.
Ball Grained Litho Plates of all sizes are needed!
Please see the intro to this registry for info on how to order these supplies directly from Takach, if desired, and how Takach can ship them for you along with the new press! You can also donate new and gently-used tools and supplies from other sources including your own supply.

To go with their new litho press being purchased via fundraising and generous donations from Takach Press, the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras will need some additional supplies for lithography.
Scraper bars of all sizes, wood or polyethylene needed. Scraper bar replacement straps are also a help!
Please see the intro to this registry for info on how to order these supplies directly from Takach, if desired, and how Takach can ship them for you along with the new press! You can also donate new and gently-used tools and supplies from other sources including your own supply.

To go with their new litho press being purchased via fundraising and generous donations from Takach Press, the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras will need some additional supplies for lithography.
Tympans needed, any material/size to fit with Takach Litho Press Model 2648.
Please see the intro to this registry for info on how to order these supplies directly from Takach, if desired, and how Takach can ship them for you along with the new press! You can also donate new and gently-used tools and supplies from other sources including your own supply.

To go with their new litho press being purchased via fundraising and generous donations from Takach Press, the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras will need some additional supplies for lithography.
Litho crayons (any brand), hones, snakeslip, washes, and other drawing materials are welcome donations!
Please see the intro to this registry for info on how to order these supplies directly from Takach, if desired, and how Takach can ship them for you along with the new press! You can also donate new and gently-used tools and supplies from other sources including your own supply.

To go with their new litho press being purchased via fundraising and generous donations from Takach Press, the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras will need some additional supplies for lithography.
Gum Arabic and other etching chemicals needed (plate etch, etc.)
Please see the intro to this registry for info on how to order these supplies directly from Takach, if desired, and how Takach can ship them for you along with the new press! You can also donate new and gently-used tools and supplies from other sources including your own supply.

To go with their new litho press being purchased via fundraising and generous donations from Takach Press, the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras will need some additional supplies for lithography.
LAW materials needed (Lithotine, Asphaltum or Estisol 242).
Please see the intro to this registry for info on how to order these supplies directly from Takach, if desired, and how Takach can ship them for you along with the new press! You can also donate new and gently-used tools and supplies from other sources including your own supply.

To go with their new litho press being purchased via fundraising and generous donations from Takach Press, the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras will need some additional supplies for lithography.
A press care lubrication kit would be great to help keep the new press in shape in a humid climate!
Please see the intro to this registry for info on how to order these supplies directly from Takach, if desired, and how Takach can ship them for you along with the new press! You can also donate new and gently-used tools and supplies from other sources including your own supply.

University of Puerto Rico Rio Pierdas needs folks to donate their time before/during/after the conference in April 2020 to help repair their litho stone collection.

The University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras needs folks to volunteer there time around their conference visit for General Art Department Restoration Work and Painting.

Taller Malaquita- Woman’s Printshop and Ceramics Studio needs their press bed planed! Volunteers needed to donate time and skills to help with this!

Escuela De Artes Plasticas Diseno needs folks to volunteer their time around the conference to help repair their Vandercook Presses.
Time, expertise, and parts are needed!

Escuela De Artes Plasticas Diseno needs help planing the press bed of their Fuchs and Lang press.
They need time and expertise!

El Centro para el Grabado y los Artes Del Libro needs help repairing their Vandercook Presses!
Time, expertise, and parts are needed!

St. John's School, a private art high school, is in need of example handouts for assignments and techniques as well as donated example prints for various print processes.
Please email digital handouts or links to for distribution.
Example prints may be brought to San Juan when you come for the conference.

Do you have related tools/supplies that fit with other needs on this registry but aren't listed above?
Claim here and email hannah.march.sanders AT gmail DOT com about other items you have to donate that might be needed. Send a brief description and pics if they help describe the item(s).
We can communicate with individual shops and find a home for needed items.