Burmese Family Support
Welcome, and thanks for being interested in helping out this family!
We hope to add biographical information and pictures as soon as possible, but for the sake of the family's security given the sensitive situation, we plan to wait until the family is safely in the U.S. In the meantime, we appreciate your prayers for the family's health and safety.
Below we've compiled some of the needs we know about so far. We'll try to keep the list updated as needs arise. If you'd like to offer something else, or have questions, email matt@matthoffman.org or chris@oakdurham.org.

Under the Humanitarian Parole program, we are responsible for providing airfare to get the family to the US.
Cost is estimated; any excess will be rolled over into the family's emergency fund.

The family has two children under ten who will likely require a booster seat.
While the family will not have a car (and will not be eligible for a drivers license right away), we'd like to give them booster seats for their children so that volunteers can give the family rides without having to provide their own seats.

While the house they'll be staying in initially will be furnished, we expect there will be some needs (stocking the pantry, for example)

This is the fund to cover emergencies; we'd like to have this fund available up front just in case.

Once they're settled, it'd be great if people would come visit the family! Set up a picnic, go to a park, or whatever else you can think of.
Arranging specific times will have to wait until after the family has arrived, but feel free to register your interest now and we can try to coordinate when the time comes.

Do you have a vehicle that can seat at least 5 passengers? Do you sometimes have availability during the day to take the family to a doctors' appointment, or whatever else, as the need arises?
Or, would you be willing to help out with navigating school enrollment, figuring out the bus system, or other public services as needed?
There's a lot of needs that require someone to show up and be present, and we'd love to have a list of willing people who may be available, to spread the load (and the joy).
You're not signing up to drop everything at a moment's notice, just to be on a list to be asked as needs arise.

We'll know more about sizes and specific needs after they arrive for clothing donations. In the meanwhile, please feel free to donate money toward a clothing fund to cover anything that isn't donated.

Until the family can establish refugee / asylum status, Oak Church will be managing a monthly stipend to cover rent, utilities, groceries, transportation (bus passes) and so on.

We'll have more specifics later, but this is a placeholder fund for anything that we can't get donated.
For the first 3 months, Hope Valley Baptist Church has generously offered a furnished house that they own. So we don't expect to need major any major furniture until after the initial 3-month period.
Any excess will roll over into the family's general fund.

The house where the family will start out (Hope House, run by Hope Valley Baptist Church) is lovely and fully furnished. The one thing missing for a Burmese family is a rice cooker.
The link is for one example. If you are able to provide one, feel free to either send it to or drop it off at Oak Church, 2100 Chapel Hill Rd. Durham, NC 27707