Franklin County LOSS Care Basket Drive for Make a Difference Day
October 22, 2016

Welcome to the Franklin County LOSS SoKind registry! This website compiles our list of donation requests benefiting the bereaved by suicide. This site does not sell the gifts. If you would like to provide one or more of these items to Franklin County LOSS for the Care Basket drive, be sure to click on the 'Give this gift' button so it will be claimed in your name, and so that we won't receive more than we need!
The Care Basket drive will be on Saturday, October 22nd from 11am-1pm at the Lane Road Branch Library - 1925 Lane Road (this is not Lane Avenue!), Upper Arlington OH 43220.
We will be in the downstairs conference room. You can drop off your gift, help us assemble baskets and resource folders, or you can call/email and we will pick up your donation! 614-530-8064
Thank you for being an instillation of hope to the bereaved by suicide!

Picture frames hold treasured memories.

Medium sized baskets should be large enough to hold a 4x6 pic frame, a small teddy bear, coloring book and crayons, small hand lotion, chapstick, a candle and a few other items.
Flat baskets with no handles are ideal.
No large or small baskets please!

Writing can be very therapeutic! Nothing too fancy... but something nicer than a notebook is appreciated.
Nothing too big - 5 x 7 or smaller is perfect.

These are thoughtful and cute!
Putting a few ceramic seeds in a small bag with a note card makes for a great little gift to include in Care Baskets.

The heart-shaped pewter charms come with a note, "Gone yet not forgotten, although we are apart, your spirit lives within me, forever in my heart."

Any kind of flower seeds are a welcome, thoughtful gift. Shown here are flower seed packets specifically for remembrance gifts.

We prefer kleenex rather than generic. Generic ones tend to flake and shred on your face.

A beautiful gift with a special message,

This special coloring book is especially for grieving children.
We can include these thoughtful gifts in care baskets & at events for survivors of a suicide loss

Chapstick is always an appreciated item in a Care Basket

Trained LOSS volunteers who are also survivors of a suicide loss meet with the bereaved over breakfast or lunch. You can provide the coffee/lunch!
Gift Card ideas include Panera, Tim Hortons, Starbucks and so on. Denominations of $5 up to $25 are appreciated!

Providing a gift card for a family meal to the newly bereaved is very thoughtful.
You can purchase a gift card to any restaurant or grocery story and LOSS will make sure a newly bereaved family is taken care of!

Providing a child a Care Basket is a nice way to recognize their unique grief journey.
Teddy bears are kind gifts.
Small bears only please :)

Comforting scents like lavender can encourage sleep.