Christmas: Reverse Registry
Elijah & Stacie
December 25, 2016

Hello Dear Ones,
We all are trying to balance the fun and joy of giving and receiving gifts with the commitment to purchase ethically and give thoughtfully. This year for Christmas, we have created a REVERSE REGISTRY- a list of shops we feel good about supporting or list of items that we would love to make for you.
Please look through the items and then let us know what you would like by selecting "give this gift" and then in the comments section specify the item you would like. We are bending the website's template to fit our needs so don't be confused by having to select "give this gift" you are indeed selecting to RECEIVE this gift from us.
Please select you gift by December 10th so that we can order and ship out to you on time!
E, S & E

The Cooper Project was created after my friend Jen lost her son Cooper, just a few short days before his due date. For every necklace purchased, the Cooper Project provides a FREE necklace to moms who lose their babies at local hospitals. I (stacie) have a necklace that says "delight" which is the meaning of Eden's name and I love it!

Let's hang out and eat good food. You pick the place and we'll foot the bill!

Fire cider is a magical elixir, pack with immunity boosting power! Raw apple cider vinegar is infused with turmeric, ginger horseradish, garlic, onions, citrus, hot pepper and herbs for a month and then strained and sweetened with local honey. It can be taken as a daily tonic and used in cooking. We tend to take a tablespoon a few times a day when fighting a cold and swear by it.

Flint and Tinder made kick-starter history by raising over a million dollars to manufacture the perfect hoodie- soft, comfortable, unshrinkable and made in the good ol' USofA. Made to last and guaranteed for a decade.

Let us know the name of your favorite charitable organization and we will make a donation in your name.

A online gift-shop of all fair-trade, handmade items. Every purchase improves the lives of the makers, from developing nations, by supporting their craft and providing a fair, stable income.

perfect for baking or cocktails.

E has really perfected the art of the headshot. Need proof? Check out the shots he took of everyone at our work.

If you can't find something on the list that makes sense for your kiddos, please help us and give us suggestions!

Elijah will purchase you a surprise gift based on the secret desires of your heart.

Don't like the list? Don't really care about gifts? Have a heart of coal?
If you ain't feeling the reverse-registry, let us know and feel free to offer up another suggestion!