Ready Set Grow Baby

Welcome to our registry! Our due date is November 2nd (but we've been warned environmental effects may mean an earlier arrival). This website provides a list of our gift requests but does not sell the gifts. This way, we can support who we'd most like to, small local businesses, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ owned businesses and our friends and colleagues. Second-hand and used items are welcome, but our biggest needs are gifts of time and services. If you would like to 'claim' a gift, be sure to click on the 'Give this gift' button so the gift will be claimed in your name, and so that we won't receive any duplicates. Then, you can follow our instructions on how or where to give the gift. If you are providing the service yourself, please still click the button and then let us know your plans/available dates. Thank you! * We‘ve had many generous gifts of hand-me-downs, but due to Covid won’t have the family/friend hands-on help that we received with our last two babies (and desperately need) so service based gifts as well as self-care and mental health supports are most needed and greatly appreciated for the arrival of this beautiful, surprise rainbow babe. Thank you all so much for your love and support!
Love, Daniele, Mike, Colin & Donavyn (and Lemmy and Franklin too)

Pandemic + multiple renovations to make room for our surprise rainbow baby + 2 kiddos and a dog = a messy house! We desperately need help getting our house clean and tidy in time for our new tiny and will need help after they arrive too! Please feel free to just pick some dates out of the ones listed as available. If there is a few days marked unavailable, that means someone picked that day so maybe space it out from that date. Something a week before and/or after our due date would be great for this! Here are some links for places local to us:

With all of the renovations and reorganization of our lives and little house, we need to find new ways to get and stay organized. With little time and so little bandwidth left, we could use an expert’s eye and some helping hands. From going through Daniele’s mom’s stuff to get rid of or pack away, to reorganizing our tiny kitchen to make room for bottles and pump parts, any help is welcome! We're happy to accept donations to any professionals listed below or anyone local who has a knack for organization and wants to donate their time.

No family help due to Covid and two kids means we’ll need some back-up with the new babe!
This is definitely a “group gift” type of request as it isn’t cheap (but so needed). You can also just donate to our venmo or PayPal with “postpartum doula” in the memo!

We need to go through our old cloth diaper stash and see what’s still usable. All of them have covered at least two baby butts and some of them were second hand in the first place so that’s a lot of butts! The first two months of newborn cloth diapering is definitely made easier with a service because SO MUCH POOP

Any of our favorite local providers! Dates in October might be better for in-home since I’m due Nov 2nd
Some of our favorites are:

My first appointment with Katie Kanda at Jewell Chiropractic made me feel SO MUCH better! I have two more appointments on the books but money is TIGHT with Mike laid off still due to Covid, and my business needing to completely pivot and no income yet.

We’re moving our bedroom and the baby up to the attic and will use our room on the main floor as a family/all purpose room with floor seating and a bassinet. We need a big fluffy rug for laying the baby down to play with her and stare adoringly are her and for family snuggles!

We would love if someone could set this up for us. We're running on fumes. We eat everything.
*Except I hate cilantro with a burning intense passion. Seriously don't put that soapy shit in my food. ;P

We’d love some help with our older kids, helping them with school work, getting them out of the house, giving us some breaks while we’re sleep-deprived zombies. Only someone practicing strict social distancing please as that is what we’ve been doing since March and will have a newborn on top of an immune compromised kiddo. We have a nanny in mind so donations work great too.

SO our new little one doesn't feel left out when their older siblings are swinging. Who knows when public playgrounds will feel safe again so having one of our own would be a huge relief!

Pretty mobile from MoMa (Modern Museum of Art) in NYC makes us happy and will make baby happy too. It's the perfect size/shape for our little set-up in our (almost) renovated attic room/baby-sleeping nook!

We can use all the help we can get with a new business on hold, a career stalled for who knows how long and all the expenses that come with a new baby (in a pandemic).
We prefer Venmo but if you prefer to use PayPal, please make sure your donation is set to "friends and family" so they don't charge us a fee. *If you're using the app on your phone, it will often default to "goods and services". Just click on where it says that, and you can change it. Thanks!

We were gifted a lovely, original wooden bassinet from our local buy nothing group and a Toppocino would be the perfect match for a cozy bed for our little one!

Recovering from birth is always a challenge. Doing so the third time around with two kiddos home is going to require some additional healing and self-care. Some of our local faves for in-home postpartum massage:

I have always wanted to do this!!! Being in water while in my third trimester AND getting a massage would be a dream come true. Time is running out for this to be a viable option as it is only offered outdoors in a heated pool due to Covid.

We'd love a pic of our whole family before baby arrives and of course someone to document the little one once they're born!

Mike is doing ALL THE THINGS and I am at a point where I can't really help. Carrying heavy things is a no-no (although I'll still wield a power toll here and there) so another set of capable hands is REALLY needed! We love this guy below:

Live locally and want to just pitch in? We could use the hands! Moving boxes and small furniture around, helping to set things up, taking donations out of the house and dropping them off, etc.
If you're down to help us out, we would certainly appreciate it! If not, these people do kind of all of the above:

With two kids, our freezer just doesn't have any more space for breastmilk and the freezer meals we need to have on hand once baby arrives. We're happy with something second-hand so if you have one you're no longer using, or see one you'd like to gift us, we'd appreciate it and put it to good use!

We need a runner/rug for the new attic space to help keep our footsies warm!

A pretty oval rug in warm colors (reds. oranges, yellows) to match baby's mobile and help transform our little attic nook into a true haven for baby.

Easy access, comfy clothes while nursing a little gremlin 24/7. Im fine with this coming from anywhere, but the style is what I prefer (sleeveless, long pant jumper, comfy cotton), and the colors match my robe. ;)

Our old one is long gone (and was completely broken anyway). This one checks all the boxes for what we need for new baby!

All we need to safely take care of our new little girl.