The Crawshaw Wedding
Tim Crawshaw & Deb Runham
July 7, 2019

Hello Beautiful Friends and Family. We're so thankful for your generosity. Here's some gift ideas for you...
If you would like to 'claim' a gift, be sure to click on the 'Give this gift' button so the gift will be given in your name. Then, you can follow our instructions on how or where to give the gift. We are so absolutely grateful for your kindness and can't wait to celebrate the start of our marriage with you. God bless you abundantly!

We will be relocating to Tasmania just before the wedding. We would love your generosity in assisting with the costs of moving interstate and beginning married life. To give this gift, please deposit funds into ING Account -
Tim and Deb Crawshaw
BSB: 923100 Account: 300625319
Thank you so very much! xox

As part of the reason we are relocating to Tasmania we will be running FREE 2-day hikes along The Bay of Fires area as a ministry. To assist and make it as easy as possible for our participants we would love to be able to provide hiking kits (ie. Backpacks/tents/sleeping mats etc). Your financial gift would enable us to build this ministry. You can give this gift by depositing funds here
ING Account -
Tim and Deb Crawshaw
BSB: 923100 Account: 300625319
Thank you so incredibly much!

Tim and Deb have handed their honeymoon plans over to God and are waiting to hear his suggested idea. If you would like to contribute towards this gift, please head here:
ING Account -
Tim and Deb Crawshaw
BSB: 923100 Account: 300625319
Thank you times a hundred!

We love our creative friends, and understand that giving away your photographic skills is a BIG ASK! If you would like to gift us with your amazing skills on the day we would be ECSTATIC! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

We will be self-catering our wedding and the reception will be a "Backyard BBQ" at the Lighthouse Keeper's Cottage. We would love your help in food preparation, setting up and ensuring everyone is served and happy. Thank you!

We will be staying at the Lighthouse Keeper's Cottage (where our Backyard BBQ Party is happening) after the Wedding and plan to be the last guests at our party. We would really appreciate the gift of cleaning throughout the evening and pack up once it's all over 'cause Deb doesn't want to wash-up in her wedding dress. Thank you so much!