Holiday Bible School at House of Prayer Nkumba
May 20, 2019

Welcome to our donations wish list! On this page you will find the list of items we need in order to host a "Holiday Bible School" for 40+ children at our church. You cannot make payments directly on this site--you are pledging the gift/amount you want to give. Once your pledge is made, you can either donate that amount with a credit card on our GoFundMe page, or send a check or cash to Laura's Mom (whose house is Laura's address in America - the mailing address will be shown after you pledge an amount). You can donate the full amount of an item or you can contribute any amount toward the item's goal amount. Just enter a specific dollar amount after you click the "Give" button, and then give that amount either by credit card, check or cash.
To learn more about our church and to see photos of our amazing kids (as well as photos from the Roar Holiday Bible School after it's held), find us on Facebook!
Visit our church website -
To donate via credit card, go to
and enter the amount you pledged to give.
*Any amount over our goal will go toward converting the chicken house into a Sunday School room which would also be used for the Holiday Bible School if done in time. We will need about $500 to convert it.
Thank you for laboring with us as we embark on such a wonderful journey of transforming and redirecting lives of the children in Nkumba!
Laura Kasibante
House of Prayer Children’s Ministry Director

Your gift of $16 will provide a child (who attends HOP Nkumba Sunday School) to attend HBS, along with 5 snacks, 5 meals, and an HBS t-shirt. These children often miss meals during holiday breaks. By sponsoring them, they can eat and hear about God's love for them. Our goal is to have at least 40 children sponsored. We could possibly have up to 60 children (if we receive enough funds) based on our space and number of volunteers. After clicking on "Give", you can choose the amount to give. For one child, enter "$16". Thanks!
Remember, clicking "Give" is just pledging the money. After pledging, donate via credit card on our GoFundMe page or send a check made out to "Laura Fieg" (the name on my US bank account).

Even if 40 kids are fully sponsored, we could possibly handle up to 60 kids. This extra amount allows us to have as many kids as possible attend and be fed. We will also have volunteers helping with the kids and the more kids we have, the more volunteers we will need. We could even use any extra funds to buy side items like meat, greens, and avocados.
Remember, clicking "Give" is just pledging the money. After pledging, donate via credit card on our GoFundMe page or send a check made out to "Laura Fieg" (the name on my US bank account).

Even if 40 kids are fully sponsored, we could possibly handle up to 60 kids. This extra amount allows us to have as many kids as possible attend and be fed. We will also have volunteers helping with the kids and the more kids we have, the more volunteers we will need. We want to bless everyone who is part of the event by having enough food to go around!
Remember, clicking "Give" is just pledging the money. After pledging, donate via credit card on our GoFundMe page or send a check made out to "Laura Fieg" (the name on my US bank account).

Though this is more of a want than a need, it would help transform our stage area and really make the whole event feel special and get everyone really excited for the week. We would easily be able to reuse this either in the Sunday school room or other events after this Holiday Bible School is over to add color to our blank walls.
Remember, clicking "Give" is just pledging the money. After pledging, donate via credit card on our GoFundMe page or send a check made out to "Laura Fieg" (the name on my US bank account).

As shown in this picture, our sanctuary is pretty bare. It would not only be a blessing for this Holiday Bible School, but also for every church event to be able to add some life to the space.
Remember, clicking "Give" is just pledging the money. After pledging, donate via credit card on our GoFundMe page or send a check made out to "Laura Fieg" (the name on my US bank account).

Although the picture just shows craft supplies, this includes much more than that. We also hope to have games and other things that make this event special. All games, and any craft supplies or other items not used up could be used again, either on Sundays or at other kids events we host in the future. You would be blessing us not only for this Holiday Bible School, but into the future as well!
Remember, clicking "Give" is just pledging the money. After pledging, donate via credit card on our GoFundMe page or send a check made out to "Laura Fieg" (the name on my US bank account).

Our playground ground is bare concrete at the moment. It would both be safer and more fun for the kids if we could add sand. We could even begin using the 6 swings that have been tied up for over 2 years! This gift would bless us well beyond just the Holiday Bible School and provide safety and fun every time the kids are out here!
Remember, clicking "Give" is just pledging the money. After pledging, donate via credit card on our GoFundMe page or send a check made out to "Laura Fieg" (the name on my US bank account).

We will not be able to do this Holiday Bible School without the help of many volunteers. The people here don't have much, and we would love to have a party to bless them for their time and commitment!
Remember, clicking "Give" is just pledging the money. After pledging, donate via credit card on our GoFundMe page or send a check made out to "Laura Fieg" (the name on my US bank account).

These items may include: Nurse payment, Friday parents' tea event, extra tables, tents, cleaning supplies, disposable plates, napkins, meals/snacks for planning meetings, and any other items we haven't accounted for. Our church ministers to people who don't have much money. We don't have extra money as a church to cover extra expenses that come up during this event. If it isn't covered by donations, we won't have it. Any amount you give will be a blessing!
Remember, clicking "Give" is just pledging the money. After pledging, donate via credit card on our GoFundMe page or send a check made out to "Laura Fieg" (the name on my US bank account).