Montpelier Children's House Wishlist
Samara Mays
Welcome to the Children's House Wishlist! Young children are delightful creatures, full of curiosity, enthusiasm, and energy. But, they are hard on materials and equipment, which we need to replace or update. Thank you for contributing to one of the following items, or making a donation towards our Playground Fund. Many thanks, Samara

Our students are avid handwashers, which means we go through soap at an alarming rate! Please consider donating a bottle..or a case! We use Softsoap, but we are not particular about the brand.

Paper of any size or type -- old letterhead, card stock, newsprint are all great.

Much of our beloved equipment's long history at the Children's House, we are looking to renovate and reimagine our outside play space. Thank you for any contribution you can make!

Logs of varying diameters cut in thickness anywhere between 6-18 inches. Large or small -- these are great for building!

non-pressure treated lengths of decking boards -- bits and pieces are great for building with!

Wine corks, bottle caps, colored screw caps, paper towel and toilet paper tubes

We use these for all kinds of kid-lead cleaning projects. Regular cellulose sponges are great

We have a lot of "mud kitchen" dishes but few that are actual "real kitchen" quality. We could use a few pots and pans for cooking with children.

Child-sized shovels - plastic or metal
Small hand shovels/ trowels
Hammocks (solid fabric not webbed)
Balls, throwing toys
Sections of rain gutter

Shorts and t-shirts, long pants (elastic waist is ideal) and long sleeved shirts - particularly in size 4T and 5T - well worn is a-ok!
Underwear and socks are also an ongoing need!