My Registry
Jeff Taylor
December 25, 2016
Welcome to our SoKind registry! This website compiles our list of gift requests, but does not sell the gifts. If you would like to 'claim' a gift, be sure to click on the 'Give this gift' button so the gift will be claimed in your name, and so that we won't receive any duplicates. Then, you can follow our instructions on how or where to give the gift. Thank you!
"Many Eastern Europeans use wood both for heating and cooking. Without it, many fear the long winter. Give a gift of wood to keep the needy and infirm warm and well nourished. You'll also be providing employment for those gathering and transporting this essential fuel."
"Your purchase of one nutritious meal a day for a month is a lifeline for the elderly, who have to choose between buying food or fuel to keep warm. Few gifts are more important than this."
Each Operation Christmas Love parcel is filled with food, hygiene items, and Christian literature and hand delivered to the neediest families and elderly in the countries where Mission Without Borders works.
"Buy a starter-pack of seeds for families to plant their own vegetables, and you'll be planting hope for a self-sufficient future. Many families we help cannot afford fresh food. But they can learn to grow their own tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and onions, as you sow seeds of hope."
"Children in Eastern Europe are not permitted to go to school if they don't have the basic equipment. So simply by giving new exercise books, pencils and rulers you're giving a child an education, and a future."